Customer News

Just a minute with Christina Marling

Written by Catherine Cane | 11-Mar-2024 17:13:00

Just a minute with... Christina Marling

Name: Christina Marling 


Job Title: Account Manager


What’s the first app you check in the morning? WhatsApp. Every day. 


What’s your favourite travel location? Florida...I’m a Disney girl all the way!  


Are you a coffee or tea person? A bit of both. I have one coffee in the morning and drink tea the rest of the day.  


What are the three items you would take to a deserted island? Toilet roll (you know why), a case of wine (everyone needs wine), boxset of books so I can relax in the sun!  


What’s on your bucket list? Tokyo Disneyland!


Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter? Autumn for the warm and cool nights. 


What’s your favourite thing about your job?  Visiting customers. I love meeting different people and learning about their situation and their life.