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Intact Xline

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Catherine Cane13-May-2024 14:08:132 min read

60 seconds with Paraic Marry

60 seconds with...Name: Paraic Marry

Title: Xline Application Support Consultant

What is your favourite thing about Intact? Two things I really love about my job are my team and the fact that you learn something new every day. Dealing with a high number of customer queries and issues daily means it’s very hard to know everything, especially since there are over 10,000 features. There have been numerous occasions where there’s been a head scratcher ticket, and you’ve exhausted all possible solutions however one of the team members will still make time to provide help. The team has a great attitude and will always help each other, and we tend to have a good laugh doing it too. Understanding the system better and solving issues makes the job more challenging and interesting.

Are you a morning person or a night owl? Morning person but I am usually tired by 10 p.m. regardless what time I get up at. 

If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go and why? Japan. I would enjoy sitting in a coffee shop, while watching people go about their day. I would also love to explore their forests and experience their culture. Plus, sushi is amazing!

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? Being a massive Dragon Ball Z fan when I was younger, I always wanted to fly, so I would have to say that. My second superpower would be to no longer be afraid of heights. 

What's the best concert or live performance you have ever attended? Wolfe Tones at Electric Picnic this year. Incredible experience. 

What's your go-to karaoke song? I prefer not to clear out the room, but if I had to pick one, it would be Tequila. If you know, you know.

If you had a time machine, which era would you visit and why? I have always wanted to experience the cowboy life, so visiting the late nineteenth century in America would be pretty cool. 

Best TV series you have ever watched? Tough one but it has to be The Sopranos. Honourable mentions go to Invincible, Scrubs, Game of Thrones and Succession. 

If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be? Mechanical Engineering. I would like to tear a car engine apart and rebuild it. 

What's the weirdest food you've ever eaten? Chicken heart. I had it twice, and I don't know why. Once was enough. 

​​​​​​​Lastly, if you could swap lives for a day with any person past or present, who would it be? It would have to be Lionel Messi during the FIFA World Cup final 2022. To have the ability to play like him in front of millions of people would be unbelievable. Additionally, the homecoming party with the World Cup trophy would a hell of an experience, too. 


Catherine Cane

I joined Intact’s marketing team in October 2023. My academic journey began at the University of Liverpool, where I studied English language and literature. Feeling that one degree wasn’t enough, I stayed and earned a Master's degree in creative and critical writing. During my studies, I wrote for various platforms, including a student newspaper and a famous Liverpool attraction. I knew I wanted to pursue a career where I could write daily, leading me to explore the world of content marketing. At Intact, I compile and write content for our website, upsell campaigns, customer newsletter, and manage our social media channels. The best part of my job is the opportunity to interview colleagues, seeking their insights and knowledge for valuable content, and that each completed task is followed by ten uncompleted ones. Outside of work, I’ll be at the gym, out for a run (jog), or exploring markets in London with friends.