A Trade Counter that
delights your customers
Enhance your customer service, sell better and maximise your margin at the point of sale.
Maximise sales and profitability with fast, efficient and reliable customer service
The level of customer service in a trade counter environment is critical for those merchants seeking to create a good first impression, drive repeat business and foster long-term relationships with their customers.
With Intact Trade Counter you can:
- Reduce manual checks and unessesary paperwork.
- Improve service levels with fast, accurate order processing.
- Get real-time visibility of your margin & stock information.
- Maximise sales and profitability.

Enhance your customer service levels
Sell better and maximise margin at the point of sale.
Margin and cost control rules, processes and procedures are configurable across the Intact ERP system.
Set up and automate standard and discounted price lists for regular purchases, quantity breaks or individual customers.
Alternative and related products along with margins are visible to your customer-facing staff at the point of sale.
Split out a transaction to include goods being taken, goods being delivered and goods being returned as part of a single transaction.
Visibility and on-the-fly editing of defined cost price, selling price, margin or mark up and discount levels.
Record customer requests for items that your business does not stock to guide future purchasing decisions.
Using dynamic word search, you can drill down through products or catalogues, producing super-fast search results.
Manage, buy-in and sell out in various product formats whether that be single units, double units or even split packs.
fast search and input.
The right stock at the right time and the right price
Intact Trade Counter is configurable to your business requirements so that real-time, accurate information can be accessed at the point of sale.
- Manages all sales permutations
- Reduces manual searching.
- Makes it easier for your customers to do business with you.

Want to learn more about Intact Trade Counter?
Let find ways to help you enhance your customer service levels and sell betterProtect your margin
Another area that can be even more worrying is the loss of margin that can occur at the trade counter.
In our experience this occurs where the system doesn’t control margin sufficiently, prompts to upsell or sell complementary products are absent, promotions aren’t flagged, out of stock items are missed or haggle capabilities are limited for your trade counter staff.
These are examples of why it’s vitally important that your trade counter team have the information and controls they need at their fingertips to enable them to quickly and accurately process an order and handle a transaction in its entirety, whether it’s a quotation, an immediate invoice, a delivery or a credit note for returned goods.

Fully customisable and confirgurable
Having worked with merchants for over 26 years, we fully appreciate your customers’ requirements and how they should be facilitated at your trade counter.
The Intact iQ Trade Counter module is configurable to your business requirements so that the real-time accurate information your staff need can be accessed immediately at the point of sale without having to look around searching for information.
It is also configurable for each end user based on the priorities and controls that have been set by the business and it can handle every permutation that may arise throughout any one sales transaction; making it a fast, powerful, easy-to-use point of sale system.
Our industry focus also means we have and will continue to invest in our trade counter functionality to ensure you constantly make it easier for your customers to do business with you.