Workflow automation
your rules, your way
Automate countless tasks, processes and business rules to enable you and your team to manage by exception.
Manage by Exception
with IFTTT technology
Intact iQ Nexus uses the If This Then That principle that allows the creation of custom rules to automate everyday tasks.
For instance; if a specified condition exists (IF This), then some action or actions must be performed (Then That).
You can use Intact iQ Nexus to:
- Protect and maintain margins.
- Maintain adequate stock levels.
- Manage cost prices and credit limits.
- Improve customer satisfaction.
Design a system that works for you
Your rules can be assigned to any property within Intact iQ and can also be removed by you at any time.
Require a third-party intervention to validate the data before the action is permitted.
In action: If a staff member puts up a purchase order over a certain amount, you may want to authorise it before letting it go.
The Warn Rule will display a specified alert when certain conditions are met.
In action: If a product is being sold at less than a specified margin, trigger an action to stop it or receive a warning.
Prevent a transaction from being completed if a particular condition is broken.
In action: If you have excessive levels of a stock item, you may want to prevent a purchase order from being placed.
The Protect rule can restrict key areas of information to unauthorised users.
In action: You might have a junior sales rep and want to hide your cost price from them.
Highlight any Intact iQ record, field or entity when a particular condition is met.
In action: If a customer hasn’t paid, highlight them in red making them visible to your staff.
Notify a third party once conditions have been met.
In action: If a customer is over their credit limit, trigger an automatic email reminder.
Free up time to work on your business, not in it.
Intact iQ Nexus provides you with the power to simply and effectively enforce your business rules 365 days a year within your ERP system.
- Reduce human error.
- Move away from micro-managing employees.
- Free up management to focus on the business.

Want to learn more about Intact iQ Nexus?
The possibilities are endless with IFTTT technology, get in touch to learn more.Enhanced productivity
Intact iQ Nexus was designed to help prevent routine tasks from eating up your time and that of your staff. By linking everyday actions you will be able to automate numerous business rules, tasks and processes providing you with a more efficient business operation as a result.
This is achieved by creating chains of simple conditional statements, which are triggered based on your pre-set criteria/scenarios related to your business operations. It works on the simple premise IF something happens in one area of your business, an action automatically occurs in another. Instead of dissecting the volumes of data being produced on a daily, weekly, monthly basis or waiting to be informed that a task must be completed, you can use this unique productivity tool to create automatic warn, prevent, highlight, notify, hide and authorise actions on an ongoing basis.

Automated controls
You can’t be everywhere 24/7 but with Intact iQ Nexus, you can put your business system to work for you.
It can ensure that your core business rules, processes or mandatory actions are adhered to via the set up of automated triggers connected to certain actions taking place. Linking your everyday scenarios or ‘triggers’ with your specified actions ensures you stay aware, in control and ahead of your competition.
You can also set up these controls for certain individuals (customers, suppliers or employees), roles or departments or the entire organisation.

Save time and money
Intact iQ Nexus enables you to build in a range of checks that previously could only be provided by securing chargeable consultancy time.
The facility to be able to build these types of rules and add/subtract from them over time helps you lower the total cost of ownership of a system like Intact iQ and it also cuts out the development or consultancy lead time associated with such requests.
Unlike other systems with similar functionality, the Intact iQ Nexus tool will not restrict you to a predefined list; your rules can be assigned to any property within Intact iQ and can also be removed by you at any time.